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Cheese & Root Beer
$25 Gift Certificate to Cheese Box in Lake Geneva and a case Root Beer!
Donors: Cheese Box and Country Station.
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"The Owl" basket
Basket of assorted items and a $25 gift certificate.
Donated by The Owl Tavern.
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Healthy Eating Basket
This collection of healthy eating options includes:
- Polenta, pasta and pasta sauce, one quart of soup per month for year donated by Green Grocer of Williams Bay
- $30 Gift certificate to Simple of Lake Geneva
- Oils from the Olive Oil Shop of Lake Geneva
- Spices and tea from Lake Geneva Spice Company
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Wine Glasses & More
This includes wine, wine stop, 4 glasses, wine glass charms, dishtowel, cocktail napkins and a wine bottle caddy.
Donated by Cari Alberts.
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Wisconsin Supper Club Book & gift certificates
Wisconsin Supper Clubs Book is a resource that guides you to the states best dining experiences. This grouping includes gift certificates to Duck Inn, HobKnob, The Butterfly and The Stoneridge.
Donors: The Butterfly, The Stoneridge, HobKnob, Duck Inn, Kate Berley and Karen Hirn.
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Noodles & Co Gift Cards
2 - $25 gift cards to Noodles & Co.
Donated by the Lake Geneva franchise of Noodles & Co..
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Starbucks Coffee and travel mug
Starbucks Travel Thermos and 1# of King Komodo Dragon Coffee.
Donated by Starbucks of Lake Geneva.
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Coffee & Doughnuts
Enjoy fresh ground coffee from the Coffee Mill of Fontana (2# per month) for one year along side a dozen doughnuts.
Donors: The Coffee Mill & Bittner's Bakery.
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Green Bay Packer bottle opener and Root Beer & More
Green Bay Packer Bottle Opener with Root Beer, carmel corn, and nuts, all in a copper tub.
Donated by Country Station.
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Titos & Deer
One liter of Tito's and 6 stemless martini glasses designed for the 2016 Holly Ball!
Donated by Kelly Hirn.